Slawi Bay, Komodo Island, Indonesia

Komodo Island, part of the lesser Sunda chain of Indonesian islands, is the rugged habitat of the 3m-long Komodo dragon monitor lizard. Komodo National Park covers the entire region and is home to more than 4,000 dragons and is made up of rusty-red volcanic hills, savannah and forests. Its surrounding waters of seagrass beds, mangrove shrublands and coral reefs are famous for diving. A succession of eastern peninsulas spread out like so many fingers, fringed in pink sand, thanks to the abundance of red coral offshore. The main camp of Loh Liang and the Phka office, where boats dock and guided walks and treks start, is on the east coast. 

All visitors MUST accompany a park ranger. The Komodo dragon can smell blood and perfume from many kilometers away and are very dangerous. We took a guided walking tour of approximately 1.5 miles and saw plenty of dragons, including baby dragons. Adult Komodo dragons eat their young, so consequently, shortly after birth they are on their own. Newly hatched young about 18 inches long, live in trees for several months for protection.  The adults can be up to 10 feet in length and weigh about 300 pounds. They can run short distances swiftly and occasionally attack and kill human beings…thus, the park rangers. Their main diet is ambushing wild pigs, deer and cattle. They have a venomous bite that delivers toxins that inhibit blood clotting. Prey goes into shock from rapid blood loss and the bacteria from the Komodo dragon’s mouth to the wound kills their prey. 

After our hike to view the dragons, we took a wooden boat to Pink Beach to snorkel. The snorkeling was incredible. We saw so many beautiful, tropical fish. I felt as if I was swimming in someone’s aquarium. It was also a much needed cool down after our hot and humid hike. It will be something that I will always cherish and remember. Fear factor plus Fantasy Island all in one day.

A view of the dock at the National Park
The Odyssey from the park
Up close and personal with the Komodo dragon
Pink Beach
The pink sand due to the red coral surrounding the island

The day ended with a boat building competition that some onboard friends of ours entered. Annette and George (San Diego) and Lynn and Malcolm (Aussies). Each vessel had to be built while onboard with items that they begged, borrowed or were able to steal from anywhere on the ship. They were judged by the ship’s officers for seaworthiness (in the pool on deck), design and creativity. Below are the friends and their boat. They did not win the competition but their design was powered by the sail and an electric toothbrush! Ingenious.

Our friends and their entry Odd at Sea.

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3 thoughts on “Slawi Bay, Komodo Island, Indonesia

  1. I feeling like I am traveling with you! In my dreams of course!! Love hearing about your adventures!!

  2. Hey Janet and Joe! We loved Komodo Island and I feel that it truly is one of the top 10 places I’ve ever been to! The dragons are amazing and the guides are so helpful. I’m glad you went and are sharing this joy!

    1. Hi Kris! It was incredible. I hope you got to enjoy the pink beach, as well. The snorkeling was amazing. Truly a once in a lifetime experience with the dragons and then the underwater beauty. We are experiencing so many new people and places.

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